Understanding Your Loan & Pre-Approval

You need to understand the type of loan that you’re planning to use to finance your property: Conventional Loan, FHA, VA, RI Housing, etc. I also recommend that you understand how to use a mortgage calculator— when deciding how much to offer on a property you want to know if you have any room to go up $10k, 20k, 30k, 60k over the list price & understand the difference in the down payment & monthly mortgage amount. Base your decisions in FACTS rather than an opinion or belief.

What documents does your lender require to pre-approve you for a loan:

  • Past 2 years tax returns
  • 2-3 most recent paystubs
  • 3-6 months bank statements for ALL accounts
  • Date of Birth
  • Social Security Number
  • Approval to run a credit check

Video Resources


Smarter Financing: Understanding 3-2-1 Interest Rate Buydown

Smarter Financing: Understanding 3-2-1 Interest Rate Buydown

Interest rates continue to be a top concern for prospective home buyers in Rhode Island, especially when faced …

“Do’s and Don’ts” when applying for a mortgage

“Do’s and Don’ts” when applying for a mortgage

DO: Keep originals or be able to access on your employer/bank sites all pay-stubs, bank statements and other …

What does it cost to buy a house?

What does it cost to buy a house?

Inspired by recent conversations, I want to make sure that my clients are prepared for all of the …

Home Buyer Coaching: Quick Primer on Loan Options

Home Buyer Coaching: Quick Primer on Loan Options

For the most part there are two main loan options: Conventional or FHA. Conventional loans: There are conventional …

Lender Contacts

Lender Contacts

Here are the lender recommendations that I offer my clients. These are professionals that I've worked with many …

Continue Your Homebuying Journey


Submitting an Offer

​When you’re ready to submit an offer on a house you need to understand the process & what info we need to provide in the offer. You also need to understand the strategies to submit a WINNING offer.

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Under Contract to Purchase

Submitting a winning offer and having it accepted with an executed purchase agreement is a major milestone in the home buying process, and I am there for you all the time supporting!

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